Risk Perception and Prevalence of Risky Behaviours Among In-School Adolescents in Ijesa-Land, South Western Nigeria

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Bridget Omisore
Ifeoluwa Oyerinde
Emmanuel Farinloye
Omolaja Odunuga
Akinlolu Omisore
Kolawole Adewumi
Idris Bamigbayan
Olanrewaju Oyegbade
Waliu Tajudeen
Ezinne Ogba



Risky behaviours contribute to adolescents’ morbidity and mortality and constitute a leading public health concern. Therefore, this study sets out to determine the prevalence of risky behaviours and the perceived susceptibility to these behaviours.

A total of 465 in-school adolescents were sampled for a descriptive cross-sectional study using a multistage sampling technique. Data were collected via a facilitated self-administered semi-structured questionnaire adapted from the Youth Risk Behaviour Survey and analysed using IBM SPSS v23.0

Of the 465 recruited for this study, 63% were females and 37% were males and the larger percentage was in the age group 14-16 years. Over a fifth of the respondents perceived they were at moderate to great risk regarding partaking in risky sexual behaviour (23.7%), violence and unsafe practices (23%), suicidal ideation, plans or attempts (21.5). The most prevalent risky behaviour was however risky dietary behaviours (69.2%), followed by unsafe practices and violence (25.2%) and risky sexual behaviour (18.9%).. Respondents who did not have friends and family members involved in at least one risky behaviour are about one and a half times less likely to be at moderate/great risk of getting involved in risky behaviours.

Risky behaviours are prevalent among in-school adolescents with those having friends and family members involved in at least one risky behaviour at greater risk of involvement. The pattern of risky behaviour shows that there is a need to pay attention to hitherto unfancied risky behaviours. A double-edged educational intervention for adolescents and parents/family members is needed to curb risky behaviours among adolescents.


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Risk Perception and Prevalence of Risky Behaviours Among In-School Adolescents in Ijesa-Land, South Western Nigeria : . SLJM [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 18 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];1(2):80-9. Available from: https://sljm.org/journal/index.php/sljm/article/view/109
Original Article

How to Cite

Risk Perception and Prevalence of Risky Behaviours Among In-School Adolescents in Ijesa-Land, South Western Nigeria : . SLJM [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 18 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];1(2):80-9. Available from: https://sljm.org/journal/index.php/sljm/article/view/109


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