Examining the Interplay of Emotional and Physiological Factors in Sexual Well-being of Men in Ekiti State, Nigeria.

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Oluwakemi Ogidan
Adekemi Olowokere
Titilayo Tope-Ajayi
Olufunke Ogunmoroti
Olufunke Olofinbiyi
Mary Olofin-Samuel
Anuoluwa Odiru



Sexual well-being is essential to the quality of life, and it influences an individual's 
overall health. The study examined the interplay of emotional and physiological factors in sexual well-being among men of Ekiti State. 


 A quantitative cross-sectional study Involving 339 men aged 18 to 65 was carried out. 
Twelve communities' households were used to select study respondents through a multistage, sys-tematic sampling process. A structured questionnaire was utilized to assist in the collection of data. SPSS IBM statistics version 26 was used to analyse the data, and the statistical significance value was set at < 0.05 and <0.01

 Getting easily aroused by a particular stimulus from the opposite sex at 87% in the physical 
domain, emphasise diverse responses to stimuli. While excitement during intercourse is overwhelm-ingly high at 95.7%, the similarly high rate of easy orgasm at 93.2% further suggests widespread sex-ual satisfaction. In the sexual dysfunction domain, the result shows the presence of sexual violence at 29.1%  and a considerable portion (41.5%) experiences a loss of libido. Median values indicate moderate to high satisfaction across domains. Number of wives (P=0.013), marital status (p=0.011), and specific occupations (civil servant (p=<0.001) and petty trader( p= 0.034)) significantly predict sexual wellbeing at bivariate and multivariate levels of analysis.  


Promoting demographic and socioeconomic factors that predict sexual wellbeing 
and addressing concerns related to violence, quick orgasm, or loss of libido may contribute to pro-moting healthier and more satisfying sexual experiences for individuals


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How to Cite
Examining the Interplay of Emotional and Physiological Factors in Sexual Well-being of Men in Ekiti State, Nigeria. SLJM [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];1(2):97-104. Available from: https://sljm.org/journal/index.php/sljm/article/view/56
Original Article

How to Cite

Examining the Interplay of Emotional and Physiological Factors in Sexual Well-being of Men in Ekiti State, Nigeria. SLJM [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];1(2):97-104. Available from: https://sljm.org/journal/index.php/sljm/article/view/56


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