Efficacy of Chlorhexidine–Alcohol vs. Povidone Iodine for Surgical Site Antisepsis

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Common agents for surgical site skin preparation are povidone iodine and alcohol based chlorhexidine /Cetrimide. The effectiveness of one over the other remains debatable. Our objective was to determine the effectiveness of alcohol-based chlorhexidine/cetrimide mixture compared with povidone iodine for preventing surgical site infection


All clean contaminated general and urological surgeries were recruited into the study. Patients were randomized into two groups (A & B) using GraphPad Cals. Alcohol-based chlorhexidine/cetrimide solution was assigned group A while povidone iodine solution was assigned group B. The rate of surgical site infection in each group was compared using hi-squared test. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


A total of 90 patients were allocated to each group of povidone iodine and alcohol based – chlorhexidine/cetrimide mixture/.The duration of the procedures ranged from 0.5-3hours in the povidone iodine group with a mean of 1.28 +/0.81 hours, and from 0.5 to 4 hours in the alcohol –chlorhexidine/ cetrimide mixture group, with a mean of 1.9 +/ 1.03 hours. The rate of surgical site infection among the povidone iodine and alcohol – chlorhexidine/cetrimide mixture group were 5.5% and 1.6% (relative risk RR=0.3) respectively. (p< 0.001).


This study has established that the rate of SSI was lower in patients that had alcohol–chlorhexidine/cetrimide skin preparation. This may be a pointer to the effectiveness of alcohol-based chlorhexidine/cetrimide mixture compared to povidone iodine. Lower incidence of SSI may lead to reduction in post-operative hospital stay.

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